Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Statement
We believe that creating a respectful and safe environment is the shared responsibility of Seniors Care Network, and our network of specialized geriatric services, including administration, fellow staff, clinicians, clients, and visitors.
We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture that is reflective of the diversity of the communities we serve.
We do not tolerate and will actively respond to all forms of discrimination, including but not limited to the display of prejudice and/or bias towards an individual’s ability, age, ethnicity, gender, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, citizenship, or community membership.
We will work to create environments that are free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and disrespectful behaviour towards our clients, clinicians, staff, and visitors. We are committed to monitoring and supporting our network partners to address any behaviour that does not foster a safe and supportive environment, including the application or creation of any relevant policies, procedures, and practices.
We will offer and encourage allyship and mentorship so that all members of our network are treated in a fair and ethical manner, with dignity and support.

A Framework For Addressing Racism in Specialized Geriatric Services
In response to the reports of racism experienced by our specialized geriatric services (SGS) colleagues, Seniors Care Network convened an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Task Group in June 2020. The Task Group met on a periodic basis to attain a better understanding of this concerning issue, and developed a framework and an accompanying resource guide to help facilitate our ongoing approach. Seniors Care Network is thankful to our colleagues who contributed to formulating this action-oriented Framework, and who shared their lived experiences with racial discrimination during group discussions.
Our work does not end here. We recognize that discrimination comes in many forms and we are committed to working with our programs and partners to foster an inclusive and non-discriminatory culture across Central East SGS. To access the resources (including the Framework for Addressing Racism and the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Resource Guide), please click the "Download PDF" button above.