Better health outcomes for older adults living with complex health conditions and their care partners in our Region.
About Us
Seniors Care Network is responsible for the organization, coordination, management and governance of specialized geriatric services (SGS) within the Central East Region of Ontario Health East (inclusive of Scarborough, Durham, Haliburton, Kawartha Lakes, Northumberland, and Peterborough). Key services include the planning, design, implementation, delivery, evaluation quality improvement, and performance monitoring of SGS. Additionally, subject-matter expertise is provided to partner organizations including Ontario Health Teams.
Working as a regional network of partners, our mission is to create a coordinated, senior-friendly, high-quality system of care that optimizes the health and quality of life of older adults living with complex health condition (including frailty) and their families. Over the past decade, Seniors Care Network has played an instrumental role in the expansion of SGS in the Central East Region and continues to support Ontario Health Teams.
What are Specialized Geriatric Services?​
Specialized Geriatric Services are defined as a comprehensive, coordinated system of health services that assess, diagnose, care and support older adults living with complex health conditions (including frailty, dementia and multidimensional impairment), and their care partners. These services are provided by interprofessional teams with expertise in care of older adults across the continuum of care including in primary care, hospitals, home care, community service agencies and the long-term care. In addition to interprofessional geriatric teams, SGS are inclusive of the medical sub-specialties of Geriatric Medicine, Geriatric Psychiatry, and Care of the Elderly.
Specialized Geriatric Services deliver comprehensive geriatric assessments (CGA) and interventions for frail seniors. Specialized Geriatric Services are delivered by interprofessional teams of geriatric and geriatric mental health care providers specifically trained to assess and support frail seniors experiencing multiple and complex medical, functional, and psychosocial problems.
The interprofessional team often includes:
Specialist physicians such as Geriatricians, Geriatric Psychiatrists and Care of the Elderly Physicians;
Nurse Practitioners
Clinicians such as registered nurses, registered practical nurses, occupational therapists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, social workers, dietitians, speech language pathologis, and personal support workers
Did you know?​​​
15% of the Region's 1.6 million residents are seniors who may require additional support to remain living at home, and this is expected to grow by 27% over the next ten years.
There are almost 96,500 seniors in the Region who may be considered frail.
The majority of seniors live in the community, and only 9% of frail seniors reside in Long Term Care or Hospital settings.
Different approaches to care are required for older adults living in rural and urban areas.